Simple Alarm Interfaces
Our R-LinK and R-GatE alarm handling units are smart little interfaces that will allow us to take alarm inputs from your fire panel, door entry systems, security alarms or building management systems and send them immediately and directly to your digital two-way radios. No need to make your way to the alarm panels to see which alarm has been set off. The information is automatically sent directly to your handportable radio in a format to suit you.
Set alarm notification parameters to ensure the right alarms are passed to the right person or group of people, first time. Choose to notify a single handportable radio, a small team of radios or a group of radios and set alarm escalation to suit your business needs, with a three stage escalation process:
- Investigate – Automatically notify key trained staff discreetly, without the need to stop production or disrupt all personnel.
- Escalate – If there is no response R-LinK or R-GatE will notify the back-up group to ensure the alert is not missed.
- Communicate – Still no reply? Raise the alarm notification further to others on site, mobile phones off site or direct to Email.
As well acting as an Alarm Interface, Our R-GatE unit is also capable of providing the following features:
- Building Alarm Text to GSM phones.
- Voice calls from radio to GSM phones.
- GPS location monitoring of digital radios.
- Lone Worker moitoring of digital radios.
- Voice recording of digital radio communications.
- IoT integration with other technologies.
Advanced Alarm Handling
Our InteraX advanced alarm handling software package provides total control of your building alarms, machinery alarms, fire and security alarms and system alerts. All alarms and subsequent actions are date and time stamped and can be exported as reports for audit purposes.
All alarm messages can be handled differently and distributed to the most appropriate group of radios for the quickest response. Fire alarm information to the Fire Team radios, Oil Pressure alarms to Engineering radios, Intruder alarms to Security Personnel radios and Evacuation alarms to everybody’s radios.
Pre-Alarms can also be detected and transmitted by InteraX to key personnel only, allowing investigation of alarm indication before escalating to a full disruptive alarm state.